Keeping Safe Online
As your child grows and becomes more independent, it is only natural that they take this independence online. In our teenage years we explore, try new things and sometimes push boundaries and take risks, this is an essential part of growing up. With all of the potential that the online world and new technology offers, young people now have access to huge opportunities. They use technology to express themselves, explore, and be creative; it has changed the way they communicate.
The internet has changed all of our lives, and your child has grown up during this change. Many of the things that confuse, baffle or even scare us, are part of the everyday for them. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much. Whether you’re a technophobe or a technophile, it’s still likely that you’ll be playing catch-up with the way your child is using the internet. You might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking, “How can I be as good a parent online as I am offline?”
Do you have concerns about something you/your child has seen or been affected by online?
Parents (or children) can click this link for advice, or to find out how to report your concerns.
Click the links to view leaflets about e-safety on social media:
School Closure/Coronavirus and Online Radicalisation
Parent-Guardian Online Radicalisation Information and Support
Parent Info is a new free service for schools. Here you’ll find a collection of articles, tips, expert advice and resources designed to help parents keep up with what their children are doing on-line. Browse the articles in the newsfeed below, or visit the ParentInfo website.
Parent Info is a collaboration between The Parent Zone, which has been providing information and support to parents for a decade, and CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command of the National Crime Agency.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command, keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. Underpinned by the latest intelligence from CEOP Command, Thinkuknow aims to ensure that everyone has access to practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.
Requesting the removal of sexual images
Child Line and the Internet Watch Foundation have come together to provide a service where children can request the removal of sexual images of themselves which have been shared online. As part of that process the child would be asked to provide a link to where the image is stored online, rather than send the image itself.
Below is an online resources which contains details regarding this service: