Attendance and Punctuality
View our Attendance Policy on our Policies page.
Settle College definitions of attendance
Our attendance target for all students is 96%
The visuals below shows the impact of days missed and minutes late on a child’s learning.
Why is excellent attendance important?
Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential for students’ success at school; establishing positive life habits that enable students to achieve their full potential. Research has found that students with 95% attendance will achieve a grade higher on average than a student with 85% attendance. If a student misses 10% of lessons, then a student can expect to drop a grade.
Through attending regularly, students can:
· Engage in essential learning and other school social events.
· Build friendships and develop social groups.
· Develop life skills necessary for future success
Important Attendance and Safeguarding Reminders.
1. Parent/Carers must report absence on every day to the school that a student is absent before 8.30 am via the absence line; 01729 822451
2. When absence is due to illness, parent/carers must always inform the school of the nature of the illness.
3. If the school is not notified of a student absence, parents/carers will be contacted by phone call, text or email by the attendance team
4. If parents/carers give no reason for absence, then this is an unauthorised absence. Failure to notify school is a safeguarding concern.
5. Settle College will request a medical letter when a student is absent for 10 days.
6. Term time leave of absence will only be granted by the Headteacher in exceptional circumstances, applications must be made at least 3 weeks before the absence.
7. Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours, wherever possible. Proof of medical appointments during school times are needed for attendance records.
The school can only authorise absence for the reasons below:
· An absence for sickness.
· Medical or dental appointments which unavoidably fall during school time.
· Religious or cultural observances.
· An absence due to a family emergency.
· Sporting events, music/dance/drama exams and competitions, (Deputy Head teacher’s approval is required).
· Career or new educational establishment interviews.
· Students who are absent from school without reason.
· Truancy before or during the school day.
· Unexplained lateness after 9.10am (when morning registration closes).
· Studying from home, unless in school Study Leave for GCSEs or A Levels.
· Part-time work
Working together to improve attendancePlease complete the form below when requesting absence during term time.