Strategic Vision

The image below illustrates our Strategic Vision

Settle College Vision

Vision Led Priorities​

  • V1 - To refresh the KS3 curriculum to make it more exciting and tailored to the locality, using the Geography refresh in 2024 as a model. ​
  • V2 - To revisit and evaluate the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) curriculum at KS3 and KS4 to ensure its relevance and accessibility to all pupils. ​
  • V3 - To increase participation in the Settle College Diploma program, ensuring that no pupils are excluded and all have access to the opportunities it provides. ​
  • V4 - To enhance staff well-being at Settle College by addressing concerns highlighted in the Pulse survey findings and ongoing tracking, leading to a healthier and more supportive work environment. ​
  • V5 - To define "skills for life-long learning" within the context of Settle College, assess how well these skills are currently being provided for in the curriculum, and develop a strategy for enhancing their delivery. ​
  • V6 - To strengthen Settle College’s community engagement by establishing new links with local organisations and ensuring active involvement of school governors through regular visits and participation in collaborative initiatives. ​

Monitoring Led Priorities​

  • M1 - To refresh the planning and monitoring of Pupil Premium (PP) spend and ensure its effectiveness is increasingly demonstrated through the data.​
  • M2 - Clearly define the objectives of the new TA model and establish success criteria for effective use of TAs. ​
  • M3 - Enhancing Adaptive Teaching Effectiveness. Ensuring Pupil Progress across all groups, specifically SEND/HAs. With high quality assessment and feedback leading to good progress. ​
  • M4 - Re-energising the Literacy Strategy and Monitoring Its Effectiveness.​
  • M5 - Improving and Accelerating the Process for Curriculum Adaptation and Monitoring Effectiveness.​
  • M6 - Refreshing Arrangements for Early Career Teachers (ECTs) in anticipation of any 2025 Recruitment. ​

Continuous improvement objectives​

  • Attendance – To continue to promote high levels of attendance and drive this area through school in all areas. ​
  • Behaviour and welfare – To continue embedding positive attitudes to learning, through practice implemented in 2023/24. Rigour of monitoring and making those marginal gains. Rewarding students for being the ‘Best they can be’. ​
  • Safeguarding remains a drip-fed approach with continuous updates to ensure effectiveness across all at local and national level.​
  • Quality assurance policy refreshed ahead of the first cycle to reflect the process, monitoring, evaluation and impact. ​