Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

The Department for Education continue to place an increasing emphasis on closing the achievement gap between students receiving the Pupil Premium and other students, with large amounts of additional funding. There is an increasing accountability on schools in terms of how the funding is used and the impact on student achievement and outcomes.


How much additional funding does Settle College receive?

For the financial year 2023-24, Settle College has been allocated £92,340, as well as £21,804 of recovery premium funding.  We have also received a National Tutoring Programme mainstream funding grant of £5,467.50 to support the provision of additional tutoring.


How is Settle College using the funding?

The funding is used in a variety of ways to increase the academic outcomes of students that receive the Pupil Premium funding.  The use of the funding is separated into three areas: teaching priorities, targeted academic support and wider strategies.

Strategies that will be used in this area include:

  • Funding to support improvements in students' literacy, for example through staff training, resources to support reading, diagnostic literacy assessments and literacy interventions.
  • TA support during lessons and out-of-lesson support where required.
  • Subscriptions to online platforms to support learning in the classroom and at home.

Strategies that will be used in this area include:

  • Small-group maths and English tuition to supplement the learning from within the lessons where students are working below their target grades, or to provide further challenge to access even higher grades.
  • Providing students with the necessary resources to access the curriculum, for example with catering ingredients at KS4.
  • Staffing for revision sessions and providing students with revision materials such as revision guides, as well as access to the online GCSEpod platform.
  • Provision of the Brilliant Club for high ability Key Stage 3 students to promote high aspirations for the future.
  • Running the Settle College summer school to support transition for the new Year 7 cohort (recovery premium funding).

Strategies that will be used in this area include:

  • Prioritised access to the school counselling service.
  • Support for opportunities to enrich the taught curriculum, for example trips and extra-curricular music lessons.
  • Providing students with access to reward activities.
  • Support from the attendance officer to improve students’ attendance, where applicable.

Settle College has a Pupil Premium Strategy Statement, which is updated regularly, that details how the above funding will be used and evaluated.  This can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

The school will consider the guidance offered by the Education Endowment Foundation when planning and implementing strategies to raise achievement of target groups.  This is reviewed by the link governor responsible for monitoring the use of the Pupil Premium Funding.

What impact has Pupil Premium Funding had?


2023 Results

The 2023 results were based on 10 students who received Pupil Premium funding in Year 11.  The overall Progress 8 score for these students was -1.01, compared to 2023 national average for non-pupil premium students of +0.05.

Progress 8 baskets

Pupils eligible for PP at Settle College 2023

Pupils not eligible for PP  National Average

Pupils eligible for PP National average 2023

Progress 8 score - English -1.13 0.03 -0.54
Progress 8 score - Maths -0.81 0.07 -0.47
Progress 8 score - EBacc -0.87 0.06 -0.57
Progress 8 score - open -1.2 0.03 -0.63


2022 results

The 2022 results were based on 20 students who received Pupil Premium funding in Year 11.  The overall Progress 8 score for these students was -1.63, compared to 2022 national average for non-pupil premium students of +0.15.  Please note that, as with all of the published figures for 2022 outcomes, this progress 8 figure does not include the outcomes that our students received in 2021 through the teacher assessed grades system.  This means that whilst our students achieved more grades in year 10, they are not included in this figure.  The Pupil Premium students achieved the following progress score for each Progress 8 basket:

Progress 8 baskets

Pupils eligible for PP at Settle College 2022 (DfE Data)

Pupils not eligible for PP National Average 2022 Pupils eligible for PP National Average 2022
Progress 8 score - English -1.57 +0.13 -0.52
Progress 8 score - Maths -1.03 +0.14 -0.49
Progress 8 score - EBacc -1.77 +0.16 -0.59
Progress 8 score - open -2.29 +0.15 -0.60


2019 results

The 2019 results were based on 13 students who received Pupil Premium funding in Year 11.  The overall Progress 8 score for these students was +0.32, compared to 2019 national average for non-pupil premium students of +0.13 and the 2019 national average for other pupil-premium students of -0.45.  The Pupil Premium students achieved the following progress score for each Progress 8 basket:

Progress 8 baskets Pupils eligible for PP at Settle College 2019 (DfE Data) Pupils not eligible for PP National Average 2019 Pupils eligible for PP (North Yorkshire average) 2019
Progress 8 score – English -0.33 +0.11 -0.44
Progress 8 score – Maths +0.79 +0.11 -0.39
Progress 8 score – EBacc slots +0.83 +0.14 -0.50
Progress 8 score – Open slots -0.08 +0.12 -0.48


2020 results

As the 2020 results were from centre assessed grades, they are not being published and so will not appear on the website.

2021 results

As the 2021 results were from teacher assessed grades, they are not being published and so will not appear on the website