Drama & Theatre

Vision/Ethos of the Department

Drama lessons across each key stage at Settle College are practical and engaging. The intention is to spark students’ creativity and to ignite a passion for Drama and theatre by building confidence and developing imagination at each stage. Students are exposed to a range of different scripts, theatre styles and stimuli to develop skills within the key areas of Creating, Performing and Responding.   
Drama students focus on building their practical skills in devised and scripted performance and learn how to evaluate their own work as well as the work of others. The aim is for our students to be able to confidently express themselves in performance through the development of a range of physical and vocal skills. The Drama curriculum at Settle College provides students with the opportunity to revisit and develop skills across different topic areas.  
Through the curriculum we encourage students to consider links to their next steps. The Drama curriculum is not only designed to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a career in the Performing Arts Industry but also teaches transferable life skills. As well as performance skills, the Drama curriculum promotes transferable skills including teamwork, communication, concentration, cooperation and imagination. Students will develop their literacy skills through reading and writing scripts, writing reviews, undertaking research tasks and through home learning. Drama will also enable students to develop their physical, cognitive, linguistic and social & emotional oracy skills to become confident speakers in a range of contexts. Drama provides students will the regular opportunity to be involved in trips, workshops and productions, enriching students culture experiences. 

Curriculum Intent

Drama Department Curriculum Intent September 2023


During Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) students have one lesson of Drama each week.

At Key Stage 4, AQA GCSE Drama is an option for GCSE. It is assessed in three components: Understanding Drama (a written exam), Devising Drama (practical and written coursework) and Texts in Practice (a practical assessment, performed for a visiting examiner). 

Staff Names and Roles
Ms P Griffiths – Teacher of Drama

Awarding Body 

Subject Staff 
Ms P Griffiths - Teacher of Drama

Useful Websites

Student Comments

“I took Drama because it was one of the subjects I feel passionately about.  Performing Arts in my opinion is expression with the body and voice and its more than just simply acting.  It is performing in general whether that is singing a song from a musical or performing a piece of drama, it’s a subject you can make your own and that’s why I chose it.’’

“Drama A-level has been so enjoyable because it’s very personal; you can focus on the specific areas of Performing Arts you’re most interested in.  It doesn’t feel like I’m doing work even when I’m putting extra hours in, as it’s something I love doing.”

“My confidence has grown, my performance skills have been challenged and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time doing drama at Settle College in lessons and as an extracurricular activity.  It was the best choice I ever made.”

Course Requirements
5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, which must include:
Grade 5 in English GCSE and Grade 5 in GCSE Drama

Course Description (A level) 
A-Level Drama and Theatre is for actors, dancers or drama technicians who wish to further their skills in their chosen area.  The course is performance based, rather than theoretical with an accompanying written portfolio. 
Across A-level units, students will learn about: 

Drama and Theatre  – a study of two set play texts and live theatre review (40%) – Exam 
Creating Original Theatre – putting together a devised piece (30%) – Coursework 
Making Theatre  – a study of three scripted texts, examined practically and through written coursework  and one practical performance exam (30%) 

Assessment Procedure 
Students will be encouraged to demonstrate their skills and talents by being assessed in practical ways through performance and writing about performance.  Students will be assessed partly through portfolio, partly through a written exam about performance and partly through practical work.  Work is assessed  by the teacher and  moderated by a visiting moderator. 

The A-Level in Drama and Theatre qualifies for UCAS points so if students complete it successfully they could move on to study for a degree or BTEC Higher National Diploma in Drama, Theatre Studies or Performing Arts.  Other courses, such as English Studies, would also value this A-Level study.  Students can also go on to relevant employment. 

Thre are several lunch time drama clubs each week and there are a number of theatre trips planned  throughout the year. Students can take an Arts Award qualification awarded by Trinity College London.  The department also puts on an annual musical production which includes students from all year groups. Recent productions have included Matilda The Musical and Disney’s Aladdin Jr. We have also showcased the play Sweeney Todd and original devised performance work to smaller audiences in the Drama Studio.