Settle College Diploma
At Settle College we believe that all of our young people should be recognised for the full range of their achievements and efforts, both in the classroom and in their wider lives in and out of school. While academic progress is of high importance, we also recognise that students can be successful in many other situations- in the wider community and within their friendship and interest groups.
The Settle College Diploma is an umbrella award which promotes and celebrates this all-round development- across the academic, community, cultural and extracurricular fields. This supports our overall Personal Development Curriculum- To give all pupils the resilience, confidence and tools they need to be the best that they can be- to ensure that they leave us as healthy, safe, independent and confident members of society who feel able to make a difference.
Within school, we offer a huge range of over 50 extracurricular clubs and activities to suit all interests including sports, drama, music, STEM, languages and environmental clubs. In addition to this, students record their achievements outside school as well- volunteering, music and drama performances, Young Farmers, Scout groups and Young Carers to name but a few. We are enormously proud of all our students’ contributions, and the Settle College Diploma is a way to demonstrate the value we place on these.
How the award works
Students in all year groups work towards Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Diploma awards, which are presented each term in Rewards assemblies though badges and certificates. They work with form tutors weekly to log their activities, and to discuss the skills and qualities which they are developing through them.
Points are awarded in four categories, and students must demonstrate they have achieved points in each of these to receive an award.
The Diploma is now in its second year, and is proving a huge success- showing our students that we place value on all their learning and successes, rather than just that which they demonstrate in the classroom. The skills and qualities they reflect on as part of the award are of great importance to them as they move forward into the world of further and higher education, and the world of work as independent, confident and resilient young people ready to be the best that they can be.